Sunday, July 19, 2009

a sneak peak at our new thrift store:

this is the view from the front door:
this is the area to the left when you walk in:
this is the future ICSC storage area:
this is the baby changing/nursing nook:
"the back room" (use your imagination people!)
where the counter is going (against that wall):
this is the front door:

so now i'm consumed with ideas of painting, placement and signs. i LOVE the new space! if you have any tips or decorating ideas, please please share them!!


RK said...

That's exciting, blank or not! I can't wait to see how it all comes together!!!

Christie said...

I suggest putting merchandise in'll sell more stuff!! LOL!

Okibum said...

That is so exciting! It looks like a wonderful space. Base thrift stores are lifesavers.