christmas was great! (minus the drilling that ce felt the need to do at 8:30 in the morning) we opened presents, cooked all day, and then got to enjoy a nice dinner and some movies with friends. the only thing that would have made it better was having the rest of the family here! well, there's always next year :)
here's some pictures for you to enjoy!
brandon's christmas eve haircut; gotta look good when mommy's taking all those pictures!
olivia getting her hair "did" (she was their youngest customer ever *lol*)

the stockings hung "by the chimney" (okay, we had to improvise a bit!)

the kids, sitting still so i could get at least ONE good picture in front of the presents :)

michael not caring about the camera and sam cheesin'!

he really did ask for clothes!
and video games; he's just trying to look tough!

brandon still loves thomas!

the baby doll that olivia has been eyeing in the bx for weeks!
taking the baby for a walk in her new stroller :)

sam showing off some of his stocking stuffers :)
the kids brought their rockband over to the morrillo's until our wii gets fixed (i know, we're so ghetto!) brandon's the best drummer ever :)

well, the best drummer ever, right after sam...
michael and chris rockin' out :)
day after christmas messes; it's unavoidable.
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