okay. sorry i haven't been keeping up with the blog. between being busy and busy, i'm just sort of busy.. ;)
here's the short and sweet of what's going:
i won a turkish chest at the icsc bingo! *woo hoo* (i'll post pictures when i get copies)
still taking classes; i think i'm almost done.
nonno is here! YAY!
poor olivia has a really bad rash.
all of my kids have taken turns being sick.
and getting the keys to our new house has been moved up to the 1st of march; however we know which house number is ours!! :)
and i'm still working at the thrift store and loving it!
okay, on to the pictures:
nonno and his boys:

olympia finally warming up to nonno:

olivia wearing the pretty dress that zia sent her (she's sick, hence the red cheeks, but she still wanted to "pose"):

brandon loving his goodies from zia:
that's it for now. i have to go to class, so i gotta hop off here. and yes, i'm really going to class so stop laughing andreana!