Thursday, August 6, 2009

when it's okay to play with your food...

you know, lately i've been totally neglecting one of my favorite things!
so in an effort to reconnect with some of the things i love, i'm setting a goal for myself; one new crafty item a week.
i've printed out a few fun tutorials and have decided to start the first one this week!
here's my first effort at felt food:
i actually have a second one half finished w/ blue "sprinkles". i'll post that one after i finish sewing it.
and here's michael and mae enjoying the fruits of my labor *lol*

1 comment:

Okibum said...


That donut is amazing. Last year I spent quite a bit money on felt food on ebay for my classroom . It was pretty pricey and not as cool as that donut. Side business, maybe??? :-)